November 2014 to July 2015


We have had the busiest Souther summer season to date,  working with 2 BBC film crews in the sub-Antarctic to  film the mating ritual of the Bullers Albatross when the couple first meet after not seeing each other for a year at sea plus the extreme sight and noise of thousands of small  Sooty Sheer waters taking off from the Snares for a feed and coming back every night, making the forrest  floor hum. We also worked for the university of NSW, on a 20 day day climate research expedition.

We acted as logistical support vessel the project research expeditions around the Albatross and sea lion populations.  This year was the first year that some major work was undertaken on the Ranui coast watchers hut by a small but dedicated group of volunteers and Tiama and its crew had a bit of a role in that both as logistical supply vessel and supporter of this project. it was nice to see the new roof and new pilings under the building, see below link for an entertaining article in the NZ Herald.

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