February 1999

A 32 day long charter through the intricate and remote Chilean channels from Cape Horn to Puerto Montt.

Dear friends


Our first season working in the Antarctic Peninsula and the Cape horn region has finished. We are now in Puerto Montt a small port in southern Chile, the gateway to the Chilean channels that lead south to Cape Horn.


From Ushuaia (Argentina) we sailed up the channels of southern Chile, they form a true 1000 mile long maritime maize it is a series of steep flanked and wooded fjord’s and islands whit what must be a 1000 different mostly unexplored anchoress, a very remote region only accessible by boat, It has lots of huge glaciers around you can sail up to them getting some ice for you drinks. It is a region were one could spend a lifetime and still you would not have visited everything.


We had a great season and the boat lived up to all her expectations and more we had some great experiences whit the various people who chartered Tiama for the last few months and are looking forward to continuing in the same vain.


Our charter to Alaska got cancelled and we will be spending the next 6 months in Chile doing some charters in the northern end of the Chilean channels and preparing for the next southern summer Antarctic expeditions.


For December of 1999 we are planning two 2 week expeditions sailing around cape Horn and visiting the glaciers in the Beagle channel, and then two 1 month long expeditions to the Antarctic peninsula for January and February of 2000, so if you want to do something rather special for the 99/2000 millenium event then come and join us.


Bye for now



Henk, Bunny and Ruby


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